Wildlife Surveys

Watershed Science offers protocol-level wildlife surveys and wetland delineations in accordance with current environmental regulations.


reptile Surveys

Protocol-level reptile surveys to meet the needs of your Project. 

Sensitive species include:

  • Western Pond Turtle

  • Giant Garter Snake



Avian Surveys

Protocol-level migratory bird nesting surveys in accordance with the Migratory  Bird Treaty Act and the California Fish and Game Code.

Also offering avian exclusion.


Amphibian Surveys

Protocol-level surveys for sensitive amphibian species including:

  • California Red-legged Frog

  • Foothill Yellow-legged Frog

  • California Tiger Salamander

  • Shasta Salamander

  • Wood Frog


Fish Surveys

Surveys of sensitive, threatened, and endangered fishes.

Wetland Delineations

Our biologists are trained and certified by the Jepson Herbarium in delineating wetlands and Waters of the United States in accordance with the United States Army Corps of Engineers Waters of the United States rule.

Pre-construction Surveys

Ensure there are no sensitive, threatened, or endangered species in your Project footprint before beginning construction.