Environmental Services


  • Environmental Impact Report and Environmental Impact Statement

  • Forest Health Planning

  • Transportation Planning

  • Recreation Planing

  • Mitigation Banking


  • United States Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 permit for dredge and fill materials in Waters of the United States

  • United States Army Corps of Engineers permit for work within navigable Waters of the United States (Section 10)

  • RWQCB Section 401 permit in concurrence with US ACE 404 permit

  • RWQCB NPDES permit for discharge of waste and pollutants into surface waters.

  • Federal Endangered Species Act Take Permit

  • CDFW Section 1602 Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement

Environmental Compliance

  • National Environmental Policy Act compliance

  • Delineation of Waters of the United States

  • Federal Endangered Species Consultations (Section 7)

  • California Environmental Quality Act compliance

  • State of California Endangered Species Consultations

  • Construction monitoring