Solano County Wetland Delineation

Watershed Science. performed a delineation of Waters of the U.S. on a 316.67-acre property located on the west side of the California Coastal range, within Solano County, California. The survey involved an examination of botanical resources, soils, hydrological features, and determination of wetland characteristics. Unauthorized activities occurred on this property in November of 2018, creating an atypical situation across the landscape.  Under the Solano County Habitat Conservation Plan, a total of 158.4568 acres of High Value Vernal Pool Conservation Area were impacted. An almond orchard was planted on 230.23 acres on the western parcel of the property and the land was tilled on 103.2281 acres on the eastern parcel, in preparation for planting more almond. 

Proposed action involves farming the almond orchard, conversion of tilled acres to deciduous almond orchard habitat, and on-site mitigation with a large seasonal wetland which occurs on the eastern parcel and drains to Dry Arroyo Creek.